Caught Up in Filler Words? Learn How to Go from ‘Ums’ to Unstoppable

Caught Up in Filler Words? Learn How to Go from 'Ums' to Unstoppable

Caught Up in Filler Words? Learn How to Go from 'Ums' to Unstoppable

  • Discover the surprising power of strategic pauses and how they transform nervous "ums" and "uhs" into commanding moments.
  • Uncover the secrets of diaphragmatic breathing to ground your anxiety and create a more confident, commanding presence.
  •  Learn why visualizing yourself as a TED speaker isn't just daydreaming but a science-backed method to boost your confidence.


Read on for the whole story.

Alright, let’s get real. You’re standing in front of a room full of eager faces or maybe staring into the unblinking eye of a camera. Your palms are sweaty, knees weak (possibly from the gym, but let's blame the nerves), and your heart is doing its best rendition of a drumline. The words are all set in your head, but once you open your mouth, all those “ums” and “uhs” slip out like uninvited guests at a party. Frustrating, isn’t it? If you’re a coach struggling to speak confidently, rest assured—you are not alone. However, let's cut to the chase: you must kick those bad habits to the curb and trust me, you can do it.

The Achilles' heel for most coaches is the dreaded fillers: "um," "uh," "you know." They slip through the cracks in your confidence and fill the spaces where your powerful insights should be. The good news? With some intentionality, training, and practice, you can replace these confidence-sucking habits with tools and techniques that boost your speaking skills. Let’s dive in.

First, let's tackle the awareness factor. Begin by recording yourself during practice sessions. I know, watching yourself can make you cringe harder than a terrible remake of a hit classic song, but it's essential. Listen for those fillers and jot them down. Make a tally. You'll quickly realize just how often those little rodents infiltrate your speech.

Now, for some practical techniques. One absolute game-changer is the power of the pause. Turn those “ums” and “uhs” into strategic pauses. Yep, pauses. Imagine you’re an actor in a classic film, or on Broadway. The dramatic pause doesn’t just replace fillers; it adds a sense of confidence as if every word dripping from your mouth is gold. This gives your audience a moment to digest what you just said and creates anticipation for what’s next. You’ll feel more in control, and your listeners will see a speaker who knows how to command a room.

Next up is breathing. It sounds too simple to be effective, but breathing can either be your worst enemy or your best friend when it comes to public speaking. Shallow, rapid breaths fuel your anxiety and amplify those filler words. I’ve learned this with singing and speaking. It makes it somewhat impossible to recover. Instead, practice diaphragmatic breathing. Take a deep breath through your nose, filling your belly, and exhale through your mouth. Do not inhale through your mouth as that can intentionally cause your throat to be dry, tensing up your vocal cords. Do this a few times before and during your presentation. It grounds you and provides those crucial pauses where fillers used to live.

Why not sprinkle in some mental prep? Visualize yourself delivering your talk with the eloquence of a TED speaker. Visualization isn't just some fluffy, new-age concept; it has roots in real psychology. Athletes use it; successful business people use it; you can too. 80% of the time before I present or perform, I slowly walk through the room and visualize the people I’m about to impact and influence. I imagine their expressions, positive and negative. That helps me to own the room before the event even starts.

Another underutilized tip is speaking slowly. When you speak too quickly, your brain scrambles to keep up, and that’s when the filler words swoop in. Slowing down your speech not only allows you time to think but also permeates your speech with authority.

Here’s a controversial idea: Embrace silence as an art form. Silence can be deafening and terrifying, but also tremendously powerful. Silence lets your message resonate, hanging in the air and settling deep in the listener's mind. Plus, it makes you seem poised and thoughtful, the hallmark of a seasoned coach.

Practice makes permanence. Rehearsing your speech multiple times doesn’t just commit it to memory; it engrains good habits and roots out the bad. But don't just rehearse alone. Enlist friends, family, or even your pet goldfish—any audience will do. The more you expose yourself to speaking in front of others, the less those filler words will plague you.

Finally, immerse yourself in good speaking. Study the greats—whether it’s Obama’s measured tone or Tony Robbins’ infectious energy. Notice their pauses, their breathing, their pacing. Emulate them. If they can master their speaking skills, so can you.

The journey to confident speaking isn’t an overnight transformation, but with intentionality and the right techniques, you can slay those "ums" and "uhs" once and for all.  Make pauses your ally, wield breathing like a pro, and embrace silence. Trust me, your audience will be captivated, and you'll finally feel like the confident coach you strive to be. So, what are you waiting for? It's time to step up and let your killer speaking skills take center stage..or camera.


You're almost there! Take the next step to conquer those "ums" and "uhs" for good. Dive deeper into mastering public speaking with a personalized Discovery Call Here . Discover techniques that will elevate your speaking prowess and captivate your audience like never before. Your audience awaits your impact!